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Leadership Training
Leadership Starts from Within

6-Hour Leadership Training Certificate
For Jewish High School & College Students, Camp & Summer Program Staff
Leadership Starts from Within (LSW) redefines what it means to lead.
LSW provides young leaders skills to navigate group expectations, better understand themselves and communicate effectively.
We engage students with lively debates, brainstorming, and deep exploration that draws from Jewish insights to teach young adults to connect and lead with:
SELF-AWARENESS of both our strengths and challenges
COMPASSION-CENTERED STRENGTH for conflict resolution
COMMUNICATION tools to reframe problem-solving into solutions
LSW Includes:

Service/Volunteer Hours
Leadership Certificate upon completion of full training
Weekday, Sunday and evening trainings
LSW offers:
- Public-facing Trainings students
- Private Trainings for Schools, Organizations, pre- and post-Summer programs
Free for JSU Students through public schools
Contact Tracie for an LSW Training series for your school or summer program
What They're Saying About NTS Leadership Training
The NTS Leadership Program allowed my students to engage in discussions and deeper thought about their leadership experiences through a Jewish lens. The skills and discussions begin with foundational frameworks of conceptualizing leadership attributes and models, and then continues to more depth, such as meeting the needs of a group, acknowledging and honoring one's own needs as a leader, and navigating conflict centered around disparate values. Students were able to voice their opinions about past experiences and current leadership roles in the context of these concepts.
- Jordan Crawford, Ed.S.
Weber High School Director of Student Support and Enrichment
After learning about the Lead vs. Follow concept in our Peer NTS Leadership Training, I felt inclined to introduce it to my peers in USY as well. This activity helped me further understand the true depth and responsibility of being an effective leader.
- Pnina Sasson, HS Senior
I appreciated that we were not just "lectured to" and could help shape the discussion. It felt different than we are used to. We shared our experiences and opinions about leading, which led to deeper discussions.
- 11th grade student, anonymous
About NTS Founder, Tracie Bernstein
Tracie Bernstein has been a Jewish educator and professional trainer for 3 decades, working with some of the country's most innovative programs for Jewish teens and adults. Tracie trained facilitators across the US for Moving Traditions' Rosh Hodesh program for girls, she developed and trained community leaders to run the Ayeka program in several US cities, and wrote the 8 hour training for MACoM, Atlanta's open mikvah, where she trained 50 Atlanta Guides. Her Nourishing Their Souls curriculum for 7-10th grades launched in 2020 and is now widely available for purchase. The Leadership Starts from Within training has been implemented with great success in Atlanta private schools, and public community-wide trainings. In the Spring of 2022 LSW is launching new partnerships to train leaders for Jewish Summer programs.
Contact Tracie
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