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Nourishing Their Souls
One Semester Adolescent Curriculum

"The NTS materials are outstanding in format, content, and manageability. The lessons are thought provoking, diverse, and address today’s critical issues of Jewish identity."
- Rabbi Michael Pont, Marlboro Jewish Center, NJ
Curriculum Available for Purchase!
The NTS semester-long curriculum explores how being Jewish informs our
understanding of ourselves, and family, community and what is holy.
The material uses diverse modalities to empower students to think about what it means to have control over their Jewish choices, and navigate the "toolkit" for Jewish connection to which they can return. NTS provides permission and space for students’ curiosity, leaning into exploration of what I don’t yet know, anchoring Jewish engagement as ongoing and evolving.
Effective for 7th through 10th grade classes.
Nourishing Their Souls Curriculum
Includes 8 student sessions
Parent workshops
Teacher training
Art unit nd more!
For More Info:
Contact NTS Director,
Tracie Bernstein

Innovative Interactive Workshops Explore
What does it mean to become a Jewish adult?
What’s important to me about being Jewish?
How can Jewish tradition teach me about myself, my relationships and how to navigate my world and holiness?
The reviews are in
People love Nourishing Their Souls!
Kids keep coming to NTS Sessions, even after
their bnai mitzvah celebrations.
Parents gain tools to engage their pre-bnai mitzvah in conversation about their Jewish values and choices.
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